All 10 provincial governments have filed lawsuits against the tobacco industry, collectively seeking billions of dollars in damages for tobacco-related healthcare costs.

On October 17, 2024, a proposed tobacco lawsuit settlement—a proposed deal—was announced. There would be cash payments to provincial/territorial governments, and there is compensation to some individual victims, which we support. However, there is nothing in the deal to actually reduce smoking in terms of either program or policy measures.

The negotiations between the provinces/territories and Big Tobacco to settle the lawsuits were held in secret, with no participation by health organizations.

The proposed deal must be changed before final approval. Any deal must have significant measures to reduce smoking and to protect public health. This deal is a one-time historic opportunity that will never come again. Provinces need to get it right.

For too long, Big Tobacco has addicted youth and caused massive suffering, disease, and death. Big Tobacco must be stopped.

The Canadian Cancer Society has long urged provincial and territorial governments to ensure that any tobacco settlement includes effective health measures, including substantial long-term financing to an independent fund to reduce tobacco use.

The proposed deal contains a fund, but the fund is not able to support programs and initiatives to reduce tobacco use. Moreover, the proposed deal does not contain policy measures, such as banning remaining tobacco promotion, nor does it require disclosure of secret, internal tobacco industry documents.

You can help. Let your provincial/territorial elected member for your riding know that you support strong measures to reduce tobacco use being included in the tobacco lawsuit deal by using this form.

Issue Backgrounder


Letters from Health Organizations

Detailed lettres sent to each provinical government from the Canadian Cancer Soceity, the Lung Association , Heart & Stroke and other provincial coalition members:

Lawsuits From Each Province

Lawsuits filed by each provincial government outlining extremely serious claims against the tobacco industry:

For more information:

The Stop Big Tobacco Campaign is supported by the Canadian Cancer Society and the Canadian Lung Association.
Website built in Nova Scotia by Boom12 Communications